The Bat Conservation Trust is the leading non-governmental organisation in the United Kingdom solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely.
In 2023:
– Implementing Year 1-2 organisational actions from the WCL Route Map
Ongoing work with some actions successfully completed e.g. BCT made public commitments to take action and has data collection and submission processes in place, people are being equipped through training to enable them to recognise and address racism and any other forms of oppression within BCT and to establish organisation-wide understanding of key terms. Others under way e.g. Change plan in development
– Continuing to implement improvements to our recruitment processes to encourage more applications from under-represented groups
Improvements include reviewing job descriptions, incorporating feedback to question phrasing on application forms and trialling different interview approaches to make the application process more accessible as well as exploring new places to advertise roles to reach more diverse applicants.
– Implementing monitoring systems and contributing data to the RACE report
Submitted data for both the Race Report Transparency card and Staff perceptions survey. Systems in place to continue this monitoring and data submission on an annual basis.
– Rolling out anti-oppression training for BCT staff
3 iterations of training delivered and 2 more planned. 25 BCT staff have completed all four sessions with 8 staff completing at least 1 session or more.
– Providing placements through the New to Nature role and a funded internship for Project Nightwatch.
Roles filled successfully providing valuable experience for the individuals and useful learning for BCT to apply to similar roles in the future.
In 2024:
– Safe spaces/impartial support in place for PoC and other groups within BCT staff
– Update statements on the website encouraging under-represented groups to apply to BCT
– Continue anti-oppression training roll out and develop follow-on training for staff
– Build on experience with New to Nature with future internships and continue to learn from those opportunities within other projects