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Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

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We’ve been protecting wildlife and wild spaces in Derbyshire since 1962. As the leading conservation charity in Derbyshire, we work hard to support our local wildlife with the support of our wonderful volunteers and members. With 55 Nature Reserves across the county and countless conservation and wellbeing projects, we’re pretty busy!

In 2023 we have focused on working towards specific actions under our 3 priorities in our EDI commitment:

Priority 1: Be an organisation that represents our communities within Derbyshire and Derby City.
• We share learnings, and evaluations around community organising with new and existing community groups.
• We are working on establishing new volunteering opportunities and creating community volunteering groups. We are making our volunteering opportunities and procedures more accessible.
• We are using learnings from our projects such as working for nature, next door nature and GCRF projects, to develop an inclusive recruitment model.

Priority 2: We want everyone to feel celebrated, recognised and valued.
• To ensure our collective and internal language is inclusive for all we are continuously producing accessible company documents for external and internal use, always reflecting, and adjusting to the needs of users.
• To make sure that our work is as accessible to everyone as it can be, and everyone feels seen, we will better our imagery and language. We will always seek to use a range of audiences and groups to inform content produced, ensuring our content is accessible and representative.

Priority 3: We want inclusion to be our everyday, to be at the heart of what we do.
• To drive the work and understanding of EDI and its implementation we are building a sustainable training programme around EDI and development including an inclusive leadership and governance programme for trustees and senior leadership team.
• Our work needs to connect people and communities with wild spaces and therefore we need to be aware of barriers to connection to allow us to address them from the point of initiation. We have produced and we will start to audit EDI considerations into the project start-up process / scoping – to ensure we consider EDI in project design as well as in land management and enhancement.

In 2024:

In April 2024 we will review all our priority areas and will seek to publish a refreshed commitment there on after.

We know a strong feature will encompass the work we are embarking on in our journey towards becoming an anti-racist organisation and the work we are doing on recruitment outreach and community action.