SOS-UK is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability. We know environmental sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation, so our work spans across issues of justice and wellbeing as well. We believe in lifelong learning and work on sustainability across all forms of education from early years to workplace learning. We act as a support crew – facilitating, encouraging and mentoring people wherever they are on their sustainability journey in sustainability. We see the power and potential in students and young people to be at the forefront of change. We work alongside them as equal partners in their sustainability leadership journeys.
In 2023:
We have created a new proactive EDI strategy that has been co-created with the entire team. This will be made public in the coming weeks and be open to feedback, review and input from all appropriate stakeholders. We believe transparency is key to delivering on inclusion and equity.
Delivered another year of the Race Report and are now committed to delivering that project for another 5 years.
We have continued to offer guaranteed interviews for racially/ethnically minoritised job applicants and those underrepresented in the environment and climate sectors. Through this and other initiatives our staff team now has a higher representation of highly talented individuals from communities otherwise left out of the sectors. We will now continue to listen to this increasingly diverse team to make sure we are an inclusive and enriching place to work, and are further able to retain the team we are building.
In 2024:
We will continue to work with the staff team to improve their feelings and experience of inclusion at SOS-UK. This includes giving them the opportunity to feed into our overall strategy as well promoting an open door policy for constructive feedback on our ways of working. The aim is to retain the team we are building and for SOS to be providing long-term opportunities for career development for all its staff regardless of their backgrounds and identities.
We will increase the impact of the identity staff networks at the organisation, promoting their need to input into SOS’s processes, policies and general strategic direction.
We will continue to lead by example and make our EDI work and effort as transparent and open to external and internal feedback as possible.